Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Use Of Characterizations The Woman Warrior English Literature Essay

Use Of Characterizations The Woman Warrior English Literature Essay Culture ideas, symbols, norms and values play a significant role in the creation of women images and the differentiation of gender roles. In fact, women still combat traditional stereotypes of womens roles in different societies and in the home. It is argued by the Chinese communists that the Confucian hierarchies have justified class oppressions in our history and that women were the biggest victims of Confucianism. By analysing the novels characterization of The Woman Warrior, this is a powerful exploration of the female role in Chinese society facing the struggles with the old traditions cultural issues and gender relations. This analysis will reveal the struggles and issues by looking at how Kingstons use of characterizations to symbolize the truth and the women human problems, how Kingston depicts the characters on different Chinese women she met in her life in the corresponding settings of imaginary female roles in the novel, and exploring how old traditions evolved and influen ced women in this novel. In order to provide a basis for understanding the woman oppression and the role of woman identity, it is helpful to look at the meaning of the depiction on the main character of The Woman Warrior, such as No-Name Woman, Fa Mu Lan, Moon Orchid, and The silent girl to see how women are treated differently and to see how she built into the theme. The narrator, Maxine Hong Kingston collects a total of five stories based on her life experiences. The stories consist of different characters that are mainly female to set up the theme that Chinese women were facing different issues because gender is socially and culturally constructed. Yet the uses of characters are more than just introducing the characters for readers to see and understand the characters, she effectively uses the characters to symbolize the truth and the women human problems where she tries to leave words to readers. She describes the characters in her stories as poor and afflicted in both their mind and body. She successful ly uses the effective technique to make readers feel as if they are in the same room with the person using characterization as metaphors. In the novel, she first introduces no name woman who is her aunt in the way that allows readers to be drawn into image and exploitation. The narrator started retelling her moms story about her aunt no name woman. Kingstons mother tells the narrator a family secret about her drown-in-the-well aunt who had her existence erased by her own family. She writes, You must not tell anyone, my mother said, what I am about to tell you. In China your father had a sister who killed herself. She jumped into the family well. We say that your father has all brothers because it is as if she had never been born. (Kingston 1.1) In essence, Kingston knows nothing about her aunt but she only knows she is an excluded person in her family from her mothers tone. Her nameless aunt who was married but had a baby outside her marriage while her husband was away for work was punished for messing up the order of relationship. The villagers threw rocks and food to raid her house as punishment for her messing up the order of relationship. Eventually, she killed herself by drowning in the family well with her new born baby. Through effective uses of characterization, Kingston is able to transmit the truth though her mothers story. The passage above shows as a warning to Kingston. It is meant to warn Kingston to avoid being a disgraceful and disloyal woman like her aunt. It also reveals that being a woman is supposed to be careful and loyal. At the end of the chapter, Kingston also makes her own assumptions that she imagines her aunt was a victim of a horrible rape and that the baby who was killed was a baby girl. Kingsto n writes, To be a woman, to have a daughter in starvation time was a waste enough. My aunt could have been the lone romantic who gave everything up for sex. Women in the old China did not choose. Some-man had commanded her to lie with him and be his secret evil.(Kingston 1.6) Reputation plays a vital role in the past and even now. In the context shows her aunt has no right to complain and she has no choice in the affair. Her aunt clearly limits her rights. However, her only right to choose on her own is to commit suicide to drown herself with the baby into the family well. The nameless woman assumingly faces severe feminine oppression is a precise example of how the settings are portrayed that having no human rights and freedom of choice for Chinese women. From this particular chapter, Chinese womens oppression reflects the human problems of having no basic women empowerment, womens human rights, and womens freedom of choice. In the book of Advancing the human rights of women, it states concerns of the position of the women. The United Nations sets as a basic goals to reaffirm faith in fundamental human right in the dignity and worth of human person, in equal right of men and women (Andrew P.171) Kingston appears to resent the standards that Chinese women are faced with. Throughout the book, Kingston is rebelling from the standard of how people of Chinese tradition think other females should act and conform. She struggles to accept the pattern of conformity, and she refuses to understand a culture that she is a part of. Despite the fact that Chinese traditional society states that women were subordinated to men, Kingston views that in a different way that women can be brave, strong and courageous rather than treated like slaves. An imaginary example of a womans role of is Fa Mu Lan who is depicted as a heroic woman. The story about this heroic character is a perfect contracted example of a low-value woman and a powerful woman. Fa Mu Lan is who Kingston wants to be like. The strongest woman, stronger than any man is in the chapter of White Tiger. Mu Lan is a role model for Kingstons life. She is a fierce warrior, and she is also a woman. Kingston ponders that she and Fa Mu Lan are not so much different; they both have swords on their backs (Kingston 2.189). It also influences her being as a woman and also a warrior using powerful words. In the context, Kingston is often angry and frustrated regarding the role of women through her Chinese-Americans life. In Chinese society, Confucianism is regarded as a code of conduct, a set of virtues that should be obeyed and delivered as a part of Chinese traditions. Women in Confucian society are seen as below men. Women and men have an almost servant and master type of relationship. Most women are keepers of the household; far less women are educated than men. A womans most important task is to create a son for her husband (Confucianism). Nai-Hua, Ko in her essay on Familism in Confucianism investigates the world of women and men in Chinese society. She begins with Chinese charaters, and indicates The Chinese character for woman shows a female figure sitting at home. On the other hand, the Chinese character for man is a combination of field and labor (Familism P.4) After marriage, this is the simple structure for women and men in old Chinese society. Women should always be subordinate to men. The story of The Western Palace is also giving a conflicting message for this idea of representing the old China. Setting things with Moon Orchids husband, Kingstons depiction in this chapter leaves some debated concerns about feminine anger on old traditional issues. In truth, Brave Orchid is incredibly proven as typical of feminist hero once understanding how valiantly her mother has fought to retain a sense of identity and dignity in America. Moreover, Kingstons mother also cites that the role of a wife is to scold her husband into becoming a good man (Kingston 4.130). In contrast, Moon Orchid, Brave Orchids sister was described as weak and uncoordinated from Kingstons writing. In this chapter, there is a less humorous example where Brave Orchid forces Moon Orchid to confront her husband. Moon Orchid always seems scared and worried about seeing her own husband because she is afraid that the United States doesnt allow for two wives. She wa nts her sister Brave Orchid to be with her to talk with her husband. Moon Orchid is passive that she depends on other people to guide her for the reason that she is infused by the Confucian hierarchies. The scene in this chapter implies the significant impacts of these traditional influences to both characters life. Brave Orchid and Moon Orchid are two Chinese women who live in two different countries. Moon Orchid assumes that the old traditions will carry over in the new country and asserts. However, Kingstons portrayal of her mother is a more factual warrior as a Chinese American immigrant. Within The Woman Warrior, the reader must know for a more comprehensive understanding of the depiction on characterizations. Kingston has emphasized the fact that how different womens roles in Chinese traditions facing the struggles with the cultural issues. By the depiction of the characters throughout the novel, she determines her aunt and Moon Orchid are both unfortunate Chinese women who are victims of old Chinese traditions because the power of Chinese traditions philosophy carried through women. Despite the narrators problems with traditions, the unique qualities of Fa Mu lan also inspire Kingston to find her own definition of woman warrior. Kingston tries to expound her individuality and her mothers identity as a Chinese-American woman who is also facing the struggles and issues because of deliberate misinterpretation of Chinese traditions.

Monday, January 20, 2020

The Black Death Essay -- Diseases, Disorders

The Black Death was an extensive epidemic that spread across Europe from 1346 to 1353, killing over an estimated one-third of Europe’s entire population (Medieval World 56). Although historians are not entirely sure of its origin, the Black Death spread quickly across both Europe and Asia with a death toll that augmented rapidly. The plague also had unusual and deadly symptoms, causing â€Å"panic everywhere, with men and women knowing no way to stop death except to flee from it† (Kohn 28). The chaos created by the malevolent force of the Black Death impacted the society of Europe as a whole. Despite the extent of the Black Death, we know surprisingly little of it (Cartwright and Biddiss 38); however, historians have presented numerous theories of its origin and spread, uncovered records of deaths, symptoms and other characteristics, and have found political records, art, and other documents recalling the plague and its impact on Europe. During the early 1320s, the bacterium Yersinia pestis (Zahler 22-25) that causes bubonic plague erupted in the Gobi Desert along trade routes possibly because of the previous Ice Age uncovering the prehistoric bacteria (Nox). The plague then quickly traveled through merchants along the Silk Road and Black Sea, spreading to both China and possibly India (Zahler 31-32). In 1347 the plague reached parts of Sicily, Marseilles, Alexandria, and Constantinople through trade, starting the period of the Black Death in Europe (138-141); however, some records also have shown that the plague was spread from Russia to Genoa to Italy, France, and Germany in 1348 through warfare from the Tartars (Cartwright and Biddiss 36-37). The Black Death then continued to spread across Europe until 1352 when the period of the ... ... (53). Works Cited Byrne, Joseph P. The Black Death. Wesport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2004. Cartwright, Frederick F. and Michael D. Biddis, George Child. Disease and History. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1972. Corbishley, Mark. The Midieval World. New York: Peter Frederick Books, 1993. Kohn, George Child. Encyclopedia of Plague and Pestilence from Ancient Times to the Present. New York: Facts on File, 2001. Macdonald, Fiona. The Plague and Medicine in the Middle Ages. Milwaukee, Winsconsin: World Almanac Library, 2006. Midieval World. 1. Danbury, Connecticut: Brown Patworks Limited, 2001. Nox, E.L. Skip. "The Middle Ages: The Black Death." boisestate.edu. Boise State University, 1995. Web. 13 Feb 2012. . Zahler, Diane. The Black Death. Minneapolis: Twenty-First Century Books, 2009.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Frederick Douglass How I Learned to Read and Write Essay

During the 1800’s, the institution of slavery was still ongoing in the few slave states left in America. Slavery was still proving to be unjust and unfair, not allowing for African Americans to be considered equals. However, some slaves were able to overcome the many restrictions and boundaries that slavery forced upon them. In Frederick Douglass’ essay â€Å"Learning to Read and Write,† Douglass portrays himself as an intelligent and dignified slave who’s able to overcome the racial boundaries placed upon him. Frederick Douglass saw that his only pathway to freedom was through literacy, so his goal was to learn how to read and write no matter the circumstances. Douglass realized becoming a literate slave was considered as having too much power because it made him aware of unjust circumstances of slavery. For a slave to become literate wasn’t tolerated. If a slaves knew how to read and write, it would make them unfit for being slaves. At the age of twelve, Frederick Douglass manipulates his circumstances caused by slavery and uses various stratagems to learn how to read and write. Eager to learn, Douglass manipulated his circumstances under slavery to become literate. At first, Master Hugh’s wife had started tutoring Douglass, teaching him the alphabet. These lessons continued until she was further instructed by her husband not to do so. He believed that if slaves could read and write they would no longer obey him without question or thought. Due to this belief, tutoring ended abruptly. Masters Hugh’s wife carried out her husband’s commands, but she also tried to prevent Douglass from becoming educated by anyone else either. However, Douglass was able to obtain newspapers and or various books to further his education. The mistress and her husband demonstrated with their actions and beliefs during this time, that slavery and education were incompatible. However, Douglass had already taken the first step in his eager pursuit to literacy. Douglass’ quest for literacy led him to use various stratagems in order to learn how to read. Douglass had already gained command of the alphabet, so he devised a plan to become friends with poor white children whom he met on errands and to use them as teachers. He paid for his reading lessons with pieces of bread. By meeting at various times and places, he had finally succeeded in learning to read. With the little money he had earned doing errands, he bought a copy of The Columbian Orator (The common text for schools in New England at the time). Douglass was particularly interested in a dialogue in The Columbian Orator, one pertaining to a slave being emancipated after trying to escape for the third time. The dialogue consisted of a conversation between the master and the slave. The slave had proven he was intelligent with the smart and impressive replies to the master in the dialogue, thus leading to the emancipation of the slave on behalf of the master. Douglass learned the morality of the power of truth over conscience in the dialogue, which made him envious. The more Frederick Douglass learned, the more slavery became a burden. Douglass had become more aware of the unjustness of slavery and the social forces placed upon his people because of it. Knowingly, Douglass was determined to overcome these social forces and become a freed slave. Becoming more aware of his situation in society, Douglass felt wretched by his condition and sought to learn to write in order to better it. After he realized the strongholds and stipulations held upon him, Douglass sought to hear anything he can about slavery. Douglass became fascinated with the word abolition, and not knowing what it meant bothered him. Douglass, eager to find the meaning of the word, picked up a newspaper containing an account of petitions for the abolition of slavery and slave trade. It was not long before Frederick realized what the word now meant. Young Douglass was enlightened with new ideas that both tormented and inspired him. He soon began to detest slavery, and he knew that writing was the final step to fulfill his plight to become literate. So Douglass traveled to Mr. Water’s Wharf where he met two Irishmen who felt sorry for him being a slave and advised him to run away. However, Douglass believed that if he learned to write he could possible write his own ticket out of slavery. With this new found idea, he traveled to Durgin and Bailey’s ship-yard where he learned to write by using abbreviations. Different abbreviations stood for various areas on the ship where the timber was to be placed. He soon learned the names of the abbreviated letters and challenged the boys who had taught him to read, in writing contests. This method, along with his rigorous copying of words from various copy-books and Webster’s Spelling Book, allowed Douglass to finally become a literate black male in America. Frederick Douglass was able to overcome the social boundaries and conflicts that slavery forced upon him in his quest for literacy. Although his journey was hard and against all odds, Douglass knew that his only escape from the narrow-minded world of slavery was to be able to become educated. With his literacy came power and his ability to write his own ticket. Frederick Douglass’ aspiration for a becoming an equal citizen in America was astounding. He overcame the stipulations and restrictions that slavery forced upon him. When he wanted to give up all hope, his search for freedom and wellbeing was his motivation.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Labpaq Essay - 1025 Words

Lab RepoRt assistant This document is not meant to be a substitute for a formal laboratory report. The Lab Report Assistant is simply a summary of the experiment’s questions, diagrams if needed, and data tables that should be addressed in a formal lab report. The intent is to facilitate student’s writing of lab reports by providing this information in an editable file which can be sent to an instructor. Exercise 1: Modeling DNA The students must attach the DNA model to this lab report. Note which nucleotides form pairs—cytosine and guanine, and adenine and thymine form pairs. Questions†¦show more content†¦Did the new DNA model form any two of the same amino acids? Yes it seemed the AGC and AGU both formed the new amino acid Serine. G. Optional: Compare the amino acids that were formed in this experiment with those of classmates who also performed this experiment. Were there many similarities? Pre-lab for Cell Reproduction What is a cell cycle? The activities that occur within a cell cycle from the end of one cell division to the end of another. What occurs in each phase below: a. GI – A cell and its organelles double in size. It’s a growth phase. b. S – Strands of dna within a chromosome separate from each other and complimentary strands are made. c. G2- In animal cells the centrioles divide and migrate to the opposite poles of the nucleus. In both animal and plants the proteins are synthesized and spindle fibers become assembled which later attach to chromosomes and aid the migration for cell division. d. Mitosis- The cell actively divides. Define the following terms: a. Chromosome – Threadlike bodies that carry genes in linear order b. Chromatid – The new DNA molecules c. Centromere- The structure that holds together the new DNA molecules d. Helix- spiral polymer of nucleic acids. When studying the onion root tip slide, where will you focus to find the most dividing cells? 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